Princess Estelle: She surpasses herself in front of the camera and microphone

Princess Estelle
Victoria’s little one is already a real media professional

Princess Estelle

© Dana Press

Together with her parents Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle visited Naturum Tåkern in her Duchy of Östergötland. There is a fairy tale path that she received as a christening gift ten years ago. In her element, the princess completed her royal program in a good mood and was not afraid to answer reporter questions.

For Princess Estelle, 10, a little dream has probably come true. The daughter of Princess Victoria, 44, and Prince Daniel, 48, was finally allowed to explore her own fairytale path. Although she had personally inaugurated it in 2014, at that time the then two-year-old probably hadn’t fully exploited the possibilities of the path, which promised adventure. For the tenth anniversary of the path, however, the granddaughter of King Carl Gustaf, 76, and Queen Silvia, 78, was in the best of moods to explore and even chat.

Princess Estelle: Larvae made an impression on her

At Naturum Tåkern by Lake Tåkern there were some exciting tasks that Estelle did in a good mood. During the visit, the eldest of the couple heir to the Swedish throne was able to take a closer look at some insects that had been fished out of the lake especially for her visit. When a reporter from the SVT broadcaster asked the Mini-Royal about her animal discoveries, she promptly got a self-confident answer: “I discovered some larvae that were a bit strange, but still very cute,” said Estelle happily. Even Mama Victoria sometimes seemed amazed at what a media professional her 10-year-old daughter is.

Spoiled for choice: Which ice cream does the princess like best?

It got pretty exciting when Estelle was allowed to choose the anniversary ice cream flavor that was to be given out free of charge to visitors on the anniversary weekend. “Oh, oh, oh, that’s going to be difficult,” laughed Princess Victoria, looking at the curiously waiting audience. Estelle then goes one better: “This is the Eurovision of ice!” After sampling some of the delicious flavors with her parents, Estelle announced at the microphone to those in attendance, “Apple was best.” Estelle was sure of the subsequent big applause for this ice show. She later willingly told the TV reporter about the pitfalls of the ice cream shop: “It was difficult. They were all pretty good.”

Only one thing was even better: The charming appearance of Estelle!

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