Princess Madeleine + Chris O’Neill: News causes a sensation among royal fans

Rarely has Chris O’Neill appeared on so many royal dates as in 2023. And his and Princess Madeleine’s participation in some celebrations of King Carl Gustaf’s 50th throne jubilee has now been confirmed.

In the Swedish royal super year, Princess Madeleine, 41, and Chris O’Neill, 49, also go to the max – and are more present at major public events than ever before. Presumably to counteract the recent tense atmosphere due to the postponed move. And so Royal fans can also look forward to their participation in the 50th anniversary of King Carl Gustaf, 77, in mid-September. Since Wednesday, August 9, 2023, their names can now also be found in the royal calendar.

Are Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill heading for a record visit to Sweden?

Not only did Princess Madeleine and Chris O’Neill celebrate Sweden’s national holiday on June 6, but also Princess Victoria’s 46th birthday on July 14. It’s a rare pleasure, because Chris in particular has been conspicuous by his absence several times in recent years. After that, the Swedish royal family officially heralded the summer holidays, which they traditionally spend in their summer residence on the island of Öland – including concert visits in the “Solliden Sessions” series and boat trips.

And Madeleine, her husband and their three children, Princess Leonore, 9, Prince Nicolas, 8, and Princess Adrienne, 5, are still not in Miami, but in Sweden. This was confirmed by a private snapshot taken by Chris last weekend in a casual everyday look showed how he brought laundry to “Royal Dry Cleaning and Tailoring” in the district of Östermalm. Barring a short Miami interlude, the family will even stay until King Carl Gustaf’s throne jubilee. It would be a record.

Confirmed! They take these appointments on the throne jubilee

However, it has not yet been confirmed whether the family will stay in Madeleine’s home for that long. But what is certain: you and Chris are on the side of the royal couple, Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, 49, as well as Prince Carl Philip, 44, and Princess Sofia, 38, on three consecutive days.

On September 14, the couple is expected to attend the anniversary performance of the Royal Opera at Drottningholm Palace Theater, on September 15 they will attend, among other things, the anniversary banquet on the occasion of the 50th throne jubilee and on September 16 Chris and Madeleine will attend the Stockholm City Concert at Norrbro – one of the bridges leading to Stockholm Castle – attend.

However, many questions remain unanswered

However, some questions remain unanswered: What about her three children? Because they should start the new school year in Miami, according to court information manager Margareta Thorgren. But the family would have to fly back to the USA before the 50th anniversary of the throne.

If and when that will happen and when they will return to Sweden and if the little ones will take part in the celebrations is not yet known.

Sources used: Dana Press,


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