Princess Madeleine in Sweden: “She must do more”

Princess Madeleine
No more fun? Already now demands are being made on them

© Dana Press

Princess Madeleine arrived in her new home of Stockholm less than a week ago. One expert is already certain: the move to Sweden will be a completely new challenge for the youngest royal daughter.

For Princess Madeleine, 42, is actually used to Sweden: A large part of her family lives in Stockholm, where the daughter of King Carl Gustaf, 78, and Queen Silvia, 80, now wants to build a new life with her family. The mother of three landed in Stockholm on June 13, 2024 with her children and one of her two dogs. There was no sign of her husband Chris O’Neill, 49, even there, and Madeleine had a similar experience last weekend when she had to attend her mother’s belated birthday celebrations without her loved one. A situation that not only the princess and the Swedish people will have to get used to; after all, the entrepreneur had already dutifully announced beforehand that he wanted to travel a lot.

But there is another aspect that Madeleine has to get used to: in Sweden, she plays a much more important role than she did in Florida. This is also noticed by experts who already have great demands on her. It seems as if they wanted to make it more than clear to Madeleine: the fun is over now.

Princess Madeleine back in Sweden: “She must do more”

So far, Madeleine’s public calendar only lists one date: the birthday concert of her sister Princess Victoria, 46, on July 14. The princess will be reunited with Chris O’Neill on this date at the latest, and he is also listed in the calendar. According to Swedish journalist Johan T. Lindwall, this announcement and the information that Madeleine will attend a gala in November are not enough. “There are now demands on her. She must do more,” he demands, according to “Dana Press” on TV4’s “Efter fem” program.

Like her husband Chris, the 42-year-old valued her life away from the Swedish public eye. Lindwall knows this, but for him Madeleine’s shyness is no excuse: “Now that she has moved home and is in Stockholm, she will have no excuses for not stepping in and taking on official duties,” he says. He believes that Swedes and royal fans can look forward to “a very busy Madeleine.” “She will be very challenged now. She will have to take a step forward now,” says Lindwall, “she will have to take on responsibility, make official appearances and be much more visible in her various organizations than she was in the USA.”

No allowance for Madeleine?

It is still possible that Princess Madeleine will continue to take on only very select tasks on behalf of the crown. But Lindwall believes that this would do her no favours: “It would look strange,” he says – even if the palace “relies on it [würde]that she does not receive an allowance and does not […] belongs to the so-called Royal Family, but I don’t think that will be accepted.” His demands on Madeleine are clear: “Now they expect her to really start working.”

Sources used: Dana Press,


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