Private health establishments “suspend” the strike planned for June 3

(AOF) – The FHP (Federation of Private Hospitalization) and the unions of private doctors announced this Friday the suspension of the movement to stop activity planned from June 3. This movement concerned the 1,030 private clinics and hospitals, where more than 40,000 doctors and independent specialists work. For private hospitalization, the commitments and decisions taken by the government “support the principle of fair treatment between the different players in hospitalization”, while discussions continue in the days to come.

The strike action was announced at the beginning of April to react to the “shock” caused by the government’s decision to only increase funding granted to private hospitals by 0.3% while public hospitals will benefit by 4.3%.
Liberal specialist doctors who practice in private establishments have received the text of the medical convention which “requires in-depth legal and political analysis”.

All stakeholders, establishments and doctors “take note of this progress, but will remain extremely vigilant regarding compliance and the impact of all the proposals”. This historic movement “made it possible to strengthen the unity of our sector which must remain an essential and indispensable pillar for access to quality care for all French people and throughout the territory”.

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