Project M: a single-player narrative game with striking realistic graphics announced by NCSoft

Best known for massively multiplayer projects like Lineage, Guild Wars 2 Where Blade & Soulthe korean studio NCSoft also knows how to offer more varied experiences. This will be the case with Project Ma narrative game with QTY alone which is reminiscent of the creations of Quantic Dream.

It is also created as part of the initiative NCing, aiming to let developers experiment with original projects. Given its aesthetic qualities, it should serve as a graphic showcase for the optimization of technologies of all kinds. It will indeed offer realistic graphics and dramatic staging, driven by theUnreal Engine 5 and an in-house body and face scan tool, supported by visual effects and many internal technologies. The story is still quite murky, but the scenario should revolve arounda man seeking revenge after the death of his wife. And it must be admitted, the first trailer is quite impressive.

Project M 07 06 2022 screenshot 3Project M 07 06 2022 screenshot 4 Project M 07 06 2022 screenshot 1

Sold as an interactive film for home consoles, Project M doesn’t yet have a definitive title, or even a release date. It will certainly be necessary to be patient until its launch in Asia, but also above all to cross your fingers so that someone takes care of its localization in the West when the time is right, still not guaranteed.

Read also: Lineage W: an online multiplayer RPG announced on PS5, Switch, PC and mobiles

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