Prominent & homeless – gutter instead of glamor: three celebrities are moving to the streets for a new show

While some sit in their warm apartments and houses, others have to grapple on the street with cold, hunger and without a roof over their heads – even in Germany. Three celebrities are now trying to find out how it feels in a social experiment: Reality TV participant Elena Miras (27), chef Christian Lohse (52) and entrepreneur Jens Hilbert (42) draw for the documentary format "Prominent and Homeless – Gosse." instead of glamor "for 72 hours on the street.

How does the experiment work?

On Monday, April 20, RTLzwei will initially broadcast a pilot episode of the TV format at 8:15 p.m. The three celebrities find themselves in a foreign city at the beginning of the program and only have what they wear on their bodies. They trade glamor life for the street for three days and nights – including all the consequences.

Without a roof over their heads, sanitary facilities, money, bank cards and cell phones, Miras, Lohse and Hilbert then have to make do. The RTLzwei station promises "unexpected encounters and insights into a previously unknown world".