“Prominently separated”: How do you know the ex-couples?

“Celebrity Disconnected”
How do you know the ex-couples?

Not only Kate Merlan and Jakub Merlan-Jarecki face each other as an ex-couple in “Prominent Separated”.


The second season of “Prominent Separated” is in the starting blocks. These ex-couples are part of the party.

On February 21, “Celebrity Separated – The Villa of the Exiles” starts on RTL+ (from March 4th on RTL). Eight prominent ex-couples face the challenge of living together with their former partners in a villa in South Africa and mastering challenges as a duo. At the end there is prize money of 100,000 euros. How do you know the candidates?

Kate Merlan and Jakub Merlan Jarecki

Kate Merlan (35) and Jakub Merlan-Jarecki (27) are part of the party this time. Kate Merlan brings with her some reality TV experience. The tattoo model was already with her ex Benjamin Boyce (54) in the “Summer House of the Stars”, took part in the “Battle of the Reality Stars” and was seen with the Cologne professional footballer Jakub Merlan-Jarecki at “Temptation Island VIP”. The couple was able to successfully pass the latter test of loyalty, and the wedding bells rang in 2021. However, the marriage failed after less than a year, and now the two meet in the villa of the ex-wife.

Gloria and Nikola Glumac

A failed marriage is also behind Gloria (30) and Nikola Glumac (26). The couple separated at the end of 2022. According to RTL, Gloria wants Nikola to “get his life together” and is still struggling with the fact that he hurt her badly on “Temptation Island 2021”. And her ex-husband is bothered by her “bitchy nature”. Will the two give their love another chance after “Prominent Separated”?

Marlisa Rudzio and Fabio De Pasquale

“Temptation Island” should also test their relationship: Influencer Marlisa Rudzio (33) and fitness trainer Fabio De Pasquale (28) took part in the third “Normalo” season of the reality show in 2021, remained a couple and appeared on the game show “# CoupleChallenge” together. They only went their separate ways in early 2022. “We were like Dick and Stupid,” explains De Pasquale, who is also known from the reality formats “Are You The One?”, “Dating Naked” and “Germany Shore”, about the former relationship. Today he says about his ex: “I just can’t trust this person.” It remains to be seen whether the two will come closer to each other in “Prominent Separated”.

Michelle Kaminsky and Marc Robin Wenz

“Temptation Island” ruined their relationship. Between Michelle Kaminsky (25) and Marc-Robin Wenz (27) there is ice age after participating in the reality show. Wenz caused a stir in season four when he kissed one of the seductresses in the blind spot of the cameras. Kaminsky dropped out of the show, ending the seven-year relationship. Her ex will not only meet her in “Prominent Separated”, but also Marlisa, with whom he is also said to have had a past turtle-neck. So two unpleasant encounters seem to be inevitable.

Sandra Janina and Juliano Fernández

The “Temptation Island” circle closes with Sandra Janina (23) and Juliano Fernandez (24), who took part in the VIP edition of the show. Sandra Janina previously took part in the fourth season of the dome show “Love Island” in 2020, but it shouldn’t work out with Henrik Stoltenberg after the show. With Fernandez appearing on “Are You The One?” was seen, she then had a longer on-off relationship in 2020 and 2021, which ultimately failed due to different future plans. “The best thing would be if we go out here as a couple,” says Fernandez, hoping that the relationship will get another chance with “Celebrity Separated”.

Gustav Masurek and Karina Wagner

Not a reality show with a relationship test, but a dome show brought them together: Gustav Masurek (33) and Karina Wagner (26) met on “Bachelor in Paradise”, became a couple and were in a relationship for nine months. Masurek was a candidate in the eighth season of “The Bachelorette” with Maxime Herbord (28) in 2021, Wagner was a candidate in the same year for “The Bachelor” with Niko Griesert (32). In May 2022, Wagner ended the relationship, according to RTL, after a mutual friend’s birthday party.

Matthias Höhn and Jenefer Riili

Matthias Höhn (26) and Jenefer Riili (30), former “Battle of the Reality Stars” candidate, had an on-off relationship for several years until 2021. The two actors, who became known through “Berlin – Tag & Nacht”, have their son Milan. The two keep in touch mainly because of their child. Will the “celebrity separated” experience bring them together more?

Silva Gonzalez and Stefanie Schanze

Jungle camp candidate Silva Gonzalez (43) and Stefanie Schanze (34) were in a relationship for six years and were also professionally connected for a long time. They shared the stage with the band Hot Banditoz (“Veo Veo”). In March 2022, the couple, who was engaged and has three children, separated privately and musically. However, because Gonzalez could not find an adequate replacement, Schanze, who actually wants to start out as a solo pop singer, is occasionally on stage with him again. “There’s still love there,” he says before “Prominent Separated”…


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