Protect PS5, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch from heat: This is how you avoid a nasty surprise


You should always protect consoles such as the PS5, Xbox Series X/S or Nintendo Switch from heat build-up so that you do not experience any nasty surprises.

So that your consoles do not overheat, we give you important tips. (Source: Netzwelt)

You should protect your expensive consoles like the PS5, Xbox Series X/S or Nintendo Switch from the heat, even if it’s not a hot summer. Because an unfavorable installation could also overheat the console at another time.

It sucks when the console turns off while you’re enjoying your favorite game with all your heart. A scenario in which the console is damaged by overheating would be even worse.

PC: This is how you prevent heat build-up
cool down the computer

You can easily fix computer temperature problems yourself at home. We’ll show you what you have to consider and how to “summer-proof” your PC.

But you don’t have to face such a nightmare, because there are ways to let the console “breathe” as well as possible. In any case, you shouldn’t ignore the topic, because Nintendo also warns against operating the switch when the temperatures are too high.

Stand consoles upright

You can quickly take action yourself. For example, you should place the PS5 and Xbox Series X upright and not horizontally, because this should optimize the airflow. According to Microsoft, the Series X is about 70 percent better than the previous generation of consoles, reports Gamesradar.

Leave enough space

And if you set up your consoles, then if possible with a distance (at least 10 to 20 cm) to the front, back and sides. Even then, the heat can escape better, because if furniture or other objects are heated by the console, then this heat radiates back to the console.

Some third-party consoles also have stands with perforations to dissipate heat. You can consider making this purchase, but if you follow the rest of the deployment tips, this step isn’t strictly necessary.

at Amazon Buy Fan Stand for Xbox Series S*


Don’t push your console into narrow slots where heat can build up quickly and never place objects on the device, as this could block the ventilation slots.

Avoid direct sunlight

When setting up, also make sure that sunlight does not shine directly on your console so that it does not heat up unnecessarily. This is especially true for Nintendo Switch, which you can take outside and play in the open air. Find a spot in the shade on hot days.

It is also best to transport the switch in a bag provided for this purpose and this in turn in the backpack.

at Amazon Buy cases for the Switch*


room temperature

But let’s get back to your home. There you can make further improvements to cool the premises better. Maybe choose a different room to play if possible. Not every room has the same temperature. It is possible that one room is protected from direct sunlight by trees standing in front of it, while another is directly exposed to sunlight.

You can also attach curtains or blinds so that the sun does not shine in all the time. Also ventilate the room from time to time so that the air circulates. But keep in mind that the consoles should not be too close to the window on hot days, because sometimes the air that comes in is even warmer than inside.

Of course you can also set up a fan, the air from which your console can also get. It won’t work miracles, but you can try.

Clean console

Heat build-up can also occur when too much dust collects in the console and around the air vents. You should therefore regularly clean the areas with a dry cloth or cotton swab.

Occasionally pausing

If you play a lot, you should also take a break every now and then and if you don’t have a longer break, don’t just leave the console on. Turn them off. Then she also has some time to cool down.

On consoles like the PS4 or PS5, you can also choose to remove the covers and clean the fan directly. It is impressive how much dust can accumulate there over a few years. We’ll tell you in another text how to open your PS4 or your PS5.

Buy Xbox Series X as a mini fridge
When the real console is not enough

You can also buy the Xbox Series X as a mini fridge. In the latest version, which is supposed to be a little quieter, you can get the Xbox Mini Fridge from this dealer at the best price.

If you take these tips into account, and you’re probably already doing some of this, your console should be safe from overheating. Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated on a hot day – maybe a drink from the Xbox Series X-shaped mini-fridge.

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