Protecting your smartphone: 3 ways to spot an app infected with malware

Google recently removed a very popular Android screen recording app called iRecorder – Screen Recorder from the Play Store after it was revealed to steal information from users. The app debuted in the Play Store in 2021 and seemed harmless. However, an update in 2022 introduced a malicious feature to devices that downloaded the app.

Malware embedded in iRecorder allowed the app to access audio and media files, as well as web pages on the user’s phone. According to TechCrunch, the malware is called AhRat, an open-source remote access Trojan that can access a user’s phone and is similar to spyware.

Users who have downloaded iRecorder have granted the app access to their device’s microphone, photos, media, and files, which is not unusual for a screen recording app. But with the in-app malware, user files were accessible to malicious actors.

According to ESET security researcher Lukas Stefanko, it’s rare for a developer to submit a harmless app to a mobile app store and then update it with malware.

But this phenomenon belongs to a category of malware called “versioning”, in which a developer submits a seemingly ordinary app to an app store, then later updates it with malicious code. By changing the version of their app, malicious developers can circumvent a store’s app review process over time.

If you downloaded iRecorder, delete it immediately. And if you think your smartphone has been infected with malware, here are some signs to look out for.

1. Spot the signs of slow performance

If your smartphone is slow, it may be infected with malware. Review downloaded apps and make sure there are only the ones you recognise. If you find any unknown apps, delete them immediately.

2. Watch out for overheating

It is normal for your smartphone to heat up when charging. But it is not normal for it to get very hot when not in use or unplugged.

If your smartphone is constantly overheating, check unfamiliar apps and settings as malware running in the background may be the culprit.

3. Check if the battery life is decreasing

It is normal for your phone’s battery life to gradually decrease over time. But if you’ve only had your smartphone for a year and you notice that it isn’t holding a charge, it could be a sign of a more serious problem.

When malicious programs are running in the background, they drain your battery considerably. If your battery is draining faster than usual, check for suspicious apps and high data usage.

If you can’t find any weird apps or signs of malware, but your phone is still behaving weirdly, back up your phone data then consider factory resetting your device. The process will remove all data, settings, and apps from your phone. This option is extreme and should only be considered as a last resort, but it may be the best solution if you cannot find what is infecting your smartphone.

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