Protein bread: Can make bread really slim?


Protein bread is said to help you lose weight, whereas bread is more likely to be used as a fattening. We asked nutritionist Dagmar von Cramm what’s up.

Losing weight thanks to protein bread?

A commercial bread consists for the most part of carbohydrates and they make you fat. To reduce the intake of carbohydrates, there are already many low-carb alternatives for bread, pasta and Co.

But who does not want to give up his classic “supper”, can fall back on the so-called protein bread. But does the alternative actually help you lose weight?

Protein bread in the expert check

At the bakery and in the supermarket you will find breads that are particularly protein-rich and are recommended especially for dinner. Meaningful or not?

Dagmar von Cramm: The bread contains more protein than a steak and less carbohydrates than a conventional wheat or rye mix, the suppliers say. If we eat protein rather than carbs in the evening, that’s better for insulin levels and fat loss overnight.

So that means protein bread can help you lose weight? 

This is suggested. However, there are more calories and fat in it than in a comparable wholegrain bread. With a 40-gram slice of wholegrain bread you take 78 kilocalories to

eat , with a slice of protein already 99. Protein is good enough, maybe you eat less of the bread …

That depends on the eating-time – the bread is yes baked relatively easily. Because you eat a slice more quickly, before the satiety begins.

Is the protein bread a sham? 

It’s not a slimline per se, it provides more energy. One should know this, if one exchanges it one to one against “normal” bread . In the end, the energy balance of the whole day is important, as well as sufficient exercise and sleep.

Is protein bread healthy?

As can be read from the interview: In moderation – yes. However, those who eat the bread in bulk, burdened his kidneys due to the high protein content. Protein bread contains a lot of gluten (also known as gluten protein), which not all people tolerate very well.

Either way: The special bread provides plenty of energy and is particularly suitable for athletes who need a lot of protein for their muscle power. The original protein bread according to Dr. med. Pape, who was also the founder of the lean in the sleep principle, although may contain more calories and fat than a conventional rye bread- but has a high fiber content and many valuable unsaturated fatty acids such as soy, sunflower, linseed and sesame seeds. These account for 85% of the sometimes too high criticized fat content.