Protests in Iran – 100 Swiss personalities call on the Federal Council to act – News

  • 100 Swiss personalities from culture and science are committed to the democracy movement in Iran.
  • In an open letter to the Federal Council, they call for support measures.
  • Among other things, economic sanctions are to be taken.

“We in Switzerland also hear the call of the people in Iran,” write the initiators in an open letter to the Federal Council. Switzerland must act now, it said. Not enough is being done yet.

Three of the 100 personalities

Countries around the world have already taken action against the government in Iran. “We expect a clear public message from the Federal Council in support of the Iranian democracy movement,” says the appeal.

Six demands of the open letter

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  1. Completion of all economic sanctions that the EU and the USA are imposing on Iran
  2. Lifetime entry ban for members of the Islamic regime, the Revolutionary Guard and the Basij militia
  3. Freezing of all funds of the Islamic regime, the Revolutionary Guard and the Basij militia in Swiss bank accounts
  4. Classification of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia as terrorist organizations
  5. Summoning of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bern
  6. Protection from deportation for all Iranian regime opponents in Switzerland

Among those who signed the appeal were the writer Sibylle Berg, the historian Caroline Arni, the Anglicist Elisabeth Bronfen, the historian and former politician Josef Lang, the director, artistic director and author Milo Rau, the artist Pipilotti Rist, the filmmaker Samir and the historian Jakob Tanner and the writer Peter Stamm.

We in Switzerland also hear the call of the people in Iran.

The trigger for the protests in Iran was the death of 22-year-old Kurd Mahsa Amini on September 16. The Iranian moral police arrested her for allegedly not complying with the rules for wearing a headscarf. The woman died in police custody.

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