PS5: Horizon Online, the next Kojima… A leak reveals several big games in preparation!

There’s a new PlayStation side! After the apparent jailbreak of the PlayStation 5, Sony finds itself this time facing a potential leak which would reveal what the company’s future video game projects are. On the program, industry flagship licenses but also news from Kojima’s production, which would actually be Death Stranding 2. What rumors are currently circulating the networks but then, what really happened?

What is Sony up to?

It was yesterday that a mysterious document appeared on 4chan. The people who posted it claim that it is a leak of Sony’s upcoming video game projects, and that it was originally addressed to journalists and/or industry insiders.

Although the authenticity of the document has not been verified and Sony has not commented on the situation, this document has been the source of many rumors. According to this leak, Sony would therefore be working on various games, of which here is the list (Source):

  • Guerrilla Games: Horizon Online Game (GaaS, Multiplayer, PC/PS5)
  • Firespirit: Heartbreak (Survival Horror, PC/PS5)
  • Sumo Digital: Carbon (Open World, Multiplayer, PS5)
  • Lucid Games: Redstar (Vehicle Combat, Multiplayer, PS5)
  • Kojima Productions: Ocean (OpenWorld, PS5)
  • Ballistic Moon: Bates (Survival Horror, PS5/PC)
  • London Studio: Camden (GaaS, PS5/PC)

Tom Henderson, a rather reliable insider, confirmed on his Twitter account the release of Redstar in 2023in addition to being the source of the Insider Gaming article.

Ocean = Death Stranding 2?

If you have read the list above, you may have noticed the presence of a Kojima Production project called Ocean. According to certain rumors including one supported by the site 9to5Google, Ocean would only be a code name for the second opus of Death Stranding, Kojima’s flagship production which was a phenomenal success.

Additionally, Norman Reedus had recently suggested that the director was working on a second installment. In an interview about the production, he said “we have only started working on the second one”. So, touch of humor or real info?

Of course, neither the leak nor the existence of Death Stranding 2 at Sony has been confirmed and it is important to take all this information with a grain of salt. In the meantime, these rumors seem to be supported by reliable insiders and if the games in question were to come out, they could delight PlayStation players!


The PS5 already hacked? He installs the famous PT demo on his console to prove it

It seems that hackers have taken advantage of a security flaw in the latest PlayStation 5 firmware update for jailbreaking. Specifically, these are modifications that may eventually lead to the launch of illegally downloaded PS5 games on the net.


Just launched in the Asia region, PlayStation Stars, Sony’s new rewards program, is already making waves. Indeed, a dataminer would have made a disturbing discovery concerning an exclusive, and above all secret reward tier.

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