PS5: it’s official, PSVR games will not run on PSVR 2

L’episode 439 of the official Playstation podcastbroadcast on September 16 and relayed on the Playstation Blog, will have made it possible to discover what some feared without really wanting to believe it: PSVR games will not be compatible with PSVR 2.

Goodbye old PSVR games

It is therefore through theinterview with Hideaki Nishino, Senior Vice President of Sony Interactive Entertainment, that we learned the sad news. When the latter was asked whether the original PSVR games could be played on the PSVR 2, he indeed answered in the negative.

The reason given is that Sony’s new virtual reality headset is designed “to offer a true next-gen VR experience“, and that its features, such as the new controllers, or even in-out tracking, are not not supported by games developed for the PSVRnot to mention eye tracking, 3D audio or 4K HDR.

You will be able to rotate your PSVR games on PS5but even when PSVR 2 is available, it will take continue to use the aging first model to enjoy.

And hello to the VR of tomorrow

Developing a title running on PSVR 2 requires a completely different approach only on the first model of Playstation VR headset, which prevents PSVR games from being able to work on its successor, if only to exploit the PSVR 2Sense instead of the DualShock 4 or Playstation Move.

He’s good possible to re-parameterize the models of controllers in order, in particular to use the sticks to move and the triggers to grab objects, but that would require way too much work so that it is interesting, especially if you want to exploit all the possibilities of the new material made available. Might as well start from zero and reprogram everything.

Some PSVR games will be ported to PSVR 2but can we expect free updates or will it then be necessary checkout to get them? And in the latter case, can we at least benefit from a competitive price if we have the original version?

It will be necessary wait a little longer before having answers to all these questions, but remember that the helmet will only come out anyway early 2023 so we still have a little time ahead of us.


Clearly displayed at the top of the line-up of Sony’s next PSVR 2 headset, Horizon Call of the Mountain brings us some enticing new images and shares additional information about the game.


The State of Play will have given pride of place to PSVR 2 which is coming soon, and the announcement of the porting of Demeo to the Sony helmet is not the least.

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