Psychology: 3 lousy tricks narcissists use to manipulate us

3 lousy tricks narcissists use to manipulate us

Psychology: You shouldn’t fall for these tricks.

Narcissists long for limitless success and want to be admired by those around them. To achieve this goal, they manipulate those around them – especially often with these three tricks.

Attention and approval at all costs: Narcissists must always be the center of attention; other people have to subordinate themselves to their needs. Since this is often not possible directly, they routinely resort to lies and manipulation with which they want to control their environment.

Psychology: 3 Techniques Narcissists Love

Their tricks are usually not particularly original – but that doesn’t change the fact that they are usually still effective and the narcissists achieve their goals with them. In the video you can see which moves you shouldn’t even try – because nothing is worse for narcissistic people than being ignored with their strategy.

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