Psychology: 3 steps to end a relationship respectfully

3 steps to end a relationship respectfully

Watch the video to see how you can break up respectfully and fairly.

A breakup can quickly escalate into a big argument because feelings get hurt or misunderstandings quickly arise. Here you can see how you can end a relationship as fairly and empathetically as possible.

“We have different goals” or “the feelings are just no longer there” – there are various reasons why we decide to end a relationship. But once we have made our decision, nothing helps: An unpleasant conversation is about to take place – and no matter how it went before, every budding ex-relationship deserves to find out honestly and respectfully why the partnership is now unfortunately over.

Psychology: How do I conduct a fair separation conversation?

We often cannot predict the emotions that we trigger in our partner when we break up. However, we still owe him or her a clarifying discussion about the breakup – that is easier said than done. In the video you will see three points that you can use as a guide to end your relationship respectfully.


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