Psychology: 3 uncomfortable questions that show whether your relationship has a future

3 uncomfortable questions that show whether your relationship has a future

It is often not easy to say whether a relationship can really last long-term – in the video you will see three questions that will bring clarity.

Every relationship has its ups and downs – but three ruthless questions quickly show whether a love is really strong enough to last forever.

Unromantic, but true: Even the greatest passion has to assert itself in everyday life at some point, and after the initial phase of falling in love, both parties in a relationship get an unvarnished view of what life together really looks like. This can be characterized by the wonderful feeling that you complement each other well despite everything – or by the realization that you are slowly but surely driving each other crazy with your idiosyncrasies. But what about the doubtful cases? The relationships that feel okay but where the really stormy heartbeats are long in the past? In such a case, three questions can help you see your own feelings more clearly.

Psychology: Three questions that put love in a new light

Of course, it is important that these questions are answered honestly – even if they are uncomfortable or even hurtful. But conversely, they can also give a relationship a completely new basis and clarify once and for all whether a shared future is really possible for this partnership. In the video you can see which questions can provide the decisive guidance.

Source used: Psychology Today

© Brigitte

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