Psychology: 4 sentences that emotionally intelligent people would never say

4 Toxic Phrases Emotionally Intelligent People Avoid

Emotionally intelligent people know which sentences they should avoid in a conversation so as not to make the other person feel bad.

Some sentences can trigger the opposite of what was actually meant or downplay things that should be taken seriously. Emotionally intelligent people know which toxic sentences they should avoid in conversations and why.

We all have situations in which someone asks us for help and wants advice from us. We especially want to be there for our friends and family members and help them in difficult situations. However, there are some sentences that we should avoid.

Emotionally intelligent people would never use these sentences

There are a number of sentences that emotionally intelligent people tend to avoid saying. Although these may seem harmless at first glance, they are actually more toxic than we initially realize. In the video, we show you the four sentences that you should not say for certain reasons.

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