Psychology: 4 tips for dealing with moody people

4 strategies to deal better with moody people

© Drobot Dean / Adobe Stock

You can often tell by the expression on her face, sometimes just a look at the corner of her mouth is enough, and we know that it’s best to give this person a wide berth. Moody people are quite a challenge – especially for those around them. But sometimes there is no other way, we have to interact with them because they are part of our family or our job. We have four strategies on how you can confidently deal with unpredictable people without letting them spoil your mood.

4 tips to help you deal better with moody people

1. Don’t let yourself get dragged down

Even if it’s difficult: Try to remain friendly as long as possible. Don’t let the other person’s bad mood affect you – even if the person tries stubbornly. The fact that you can regulate your feelings to some extent is a prerequisite for both of you getting through the situation unscathed. So: First take a deep breath!

2. Figure out what the problem is

Sounds so obvious, and yet it’s often not the first thing we do when someone around us is in a bad mood. So ask the person what exactly is bothering them. Depending on how reflective the other person is, he or she will answer this and perhaps this alone will calm them down – or just make them even more upset. If the latter is the case, you have at least tried it objectively and empathetically.

3. Distract

Next, you could try subtly diverting the person’s attention to something else. In this way you might be able to distract her from her changing moods and defuse the situation a little.

4. Set clear boundaries

But if the person still vents their moods and frustrations on you without taking your feelings into account, it won’t help: You have to make it clear that you don’t want to be treated like that. Of course, it’s important to remain friendly here too. But with all understanding for the situation and feelings that may be troubling the other person: If someone goes too far and perhaps even becomes personal or aggressive, we have to show this person clear boundaries.

In the worst case, unpleasant situations with this moody person increase. Maybe at some point you have the feeling that you can no longer get close to the person. If there is no other option and the person is not willing to work on their moods and the way they interact with others, in the end there is only one thing that can help: you should eliminate this energy vampire from your life – or at least minimize contact, if it affects your relationship and the external circumstances allow.

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