Psychology: 4 typical sentences from people who take life lightly

Take it easy
Typical sentences from people for whom life feels easy

© Gabriel Trujillo / Adobe Stock

Some people have it easier in life, others have it harder, and some are experts at making it harder or easier for themselves. Nobody knows the golden path and we don’t have to find it. As long as all the other paths we take work for us, we’re not doing anything wrong. If you want more lightness in your life and want to surround yourself with people who can contribute to this – because they themselves have plenty of lightness – you can listen more closely to the following sentences: They are typical of people who find their life easy.

4 typical sentences from people for whom their life feels easy

“Half as bad.”

Whether it’s an injury, a mistake, a defeat – people who take their lives lightly are more likely to trivialize rather than dramatize. They quickly forgive themselves and other people and use a variety of strategies to put undesirable events into perspective (finding explanations, using comparisons, seeing themselves as part of a larger whole…). It may be that they do not take some things seriously enough and that they do not always do justice to themselves and others or are unreliable. However, no one said that a person who finds his life easy is perfect.

“I can’t change it.”

People who would describe their lives as easy usually don’t bother with things over which they have no control. Weather, bad luck, injustice. They focus their energy and concentration on their area of ​​activity and influence and stay out of other people’s affairs. On the one hand, this attitude is healthy and understandable and only makes sense to a certain extent. On the other hand, it can appear ignorant or degenerate into ignorance and make your own sphere of influence appear smaller than it really is.

“I’ll manage that.”

Always being fully prepared and preferring to worry too much rather than too little is an effort that some people save themselves – with the result that their lives often feel easier as a result. These people usually have basic confidence in themselves and their abilities and are confident that there can be no difficult situation from which they cannot find their way out. Such an approach offers advantages over thinking that is too perfectionistic and certainly works well often enough. However, sometimes this can lead to problems that could have been avoided without excessive effort. But the carefree have to deal with them – and ultimately they can.

“Does not have to be.”

People who feel a lot of ease in their lives can usually feel comfortable in a variety of scenarios and circumstances. They don’t insist on always getting their own way and don’t necessarily always want more of everything. They avoid fights and prioritize peace and ease, even if that means they have to practice humility and cannot have very high standards and expectations. Obviously, there are advantages to living a frugal, relaxed and effortless life. But in some ways it can be more limited.

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