Psychology: 5 body language signals that reveal manipulation

These 5 body language signals reveal that you are being manipulated

You can use various signals to determine whether you are being manipulated.


Whether at work, with friends or when dating: other people try to manipulate us everywhere. Fortunately, they often give themselves away through clear body language signals.

Sad but true: Virtually each and every one of us has been manipulated at some point in our lives. It doesn’t matter in which life situation or in which social environment you find yourself at the moment. Whether at work or at home, the danger of manipulation is fundamental.

5 clear signals that give away a manipulator

Most of the time, a manipulator’s goal is to use you for their goals without you even realizing it. To do this, he (or she) uses various behaviors designed to mix up your feelings. In the video we show you how to unmask a manipulator through his body language.

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