Psychology: 5 characteristics that reveal a low EQ

These 5 characteristics indicate low emotional intelligence

EQ could be described as the key to successful interpersonal relationships and personal well-being.

Do you also know people who always have to be right, even if it comes at the expense of understanding and empathy? Or those who blame their own reactions and feelings exclusively on others instead of reflecting on them? This could be an indication of a lack of emotional intelligence.

What is intelligence? You might be thinking of the term IQ, the intelligence quotient, which is an empirical measure of intellectual ability. However, there are many more types of intelligence – one of them is the emotional quotient, also known as EQ. This EQ gives an indication of a person’s personal and interpersonal skills, also known as soft skills. It plays a vital role in how we perceive, understand and express emotions.

Psychology: How does emotional intelligence manifest itself?

Many people sum up emotional intelligence in a simple formula: with a high IQ you do well in school, with an EQ you get through life well. Of course, that’s not always true in general, but a lack of emotional intelligence definitely makes interacting with people very challenging. You can see in the video how you can tell if a person lacks emotional intelligence and whether something can be done about it.


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