Psychology: 5 reasons for “I’m sorry I didn’t answer”

5 reasons behind the “I’m sorry I didn’t reply”

In the video you will learn what causes people to respond to messages late or not at all.

Have you ever wondered why someone always replies to you late? It’s not always the case that the person is just busy – watch the video to find out five other reasons why you might have to wait a long time for a message.

Have you ever caught yourself completely forgetting to reply to a message? It was probably because you were stressed, so it’s always important to be understanding when you don’t get an immediate response. However, there seem to be some people who make a habit of not replying.

Psychology: Why some people don’t write back

Not answering is not always due to stress or forgetfulness. There are other reasons for it. In the video you will find out what could be behind it.

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