Psychology: 5 signs that your partner is robbing you of your last strength

5 Signs You’re Dating an Energy Vampire

Psychology: Energy vampires take away your strength and good mood in a relationship.

Energy vampires are people who drain us psychologically and emotionally – without meaning to! In the video you will learn how to tell whether your partner is a power robber.

Sometimes we only realize after a while that the relationship takes more energy than it gives. Maybe your partner is an energy vampire? Don’t worry, this is not a supernatural phenomenon, but a real challenge in many relationships.

Psychology: 5 warning signs of an energy vampire

An energy vampire drains you psychologically and emotionally, often without meaning or knowing it. Whether it’s constant pessimism, emotional manipulation, or the need to always be the center of attention, there are some warning signs you shouldn’t overlook. In the video you will find out which 5 signs indicate that you may be dating an energy vampire.


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