Psychology: 5 signs you’re making progress, even if it doesn’t feel like it

5 signs you’re making progress, even if it doesn’t feel like it

© Rudzhan / Adobe Stock

Sometimes we feel like we’re spinning in place. Not moving forward, even though we want to develop further. However, we often unconsciously make progress – which you can recognize by certain signs.

Do you also know this thought that others constantly Are you making progress but you aren’t? This is probably because you are very critical of yourself – and only see your final goal as progress, while you have already achieved many small steps in between. With others you are more likely to notice the latter, especially if the other person’s goal is not known.

But even if it doesn’t feel like it, you’re certainly constantly making progress in life. Do you recognize yourself in the following signs?

5 signs that you are unconsciously evolving

1. You are in a different place than you were a year ago

This aspect is of course very obvious if you have changed jobs, gotten married or moved. But more subtle signs also show you that you have made progress. Do you have more confidence than you did a year ago? Did you meet new people and broaden your horizons through exciting conversations with them? Before your last presentation or submission at work, were you no longer as nervous as you once were? All of this proves that you are evolving.

2. You manage to say “no” more and more often

Do you find it difficult to say “no”? Do you want to please everyone and sometimes forget about yourself? Don’t worry, many people feel that way. And yet it is very important that you work on it – otherwise your well-being and health will unfortunately ultimately suffer. So think about the last time you said “no.” The more situations you can think of, the better. But even if there are only one or two, they show that you are making progress. Be proud of yourself!

3. You made mistakes (and owned up to them)

Nobody likes making mistakes. But through these we continue to develop, learn and be smarter next time. It’s certainly a bit strange at first, but from now on, consider every mistake as progress in your life. Stand by them and always remember: mistakes are human.

4. You are pursuing a goal – or have given up on it

Simply pursuing a goal shows that you are making progress. Because even if you haven’t achieved it yet, you’re working on it – and you should celebrate every little step. If you have recently given up on a goal, that is also progress. This does not always have to be positive, as the errors show. The main thing is: you continue to develop. And if you decide not to pursue a dream any further, that too strengthens your personality and moves you forward. You can focus on a new goal instead of sticking to the old one without any chance of success.

5. You question yourself

Speaking of which: Of course, such a decision also means that you question yourself, your actions, your goals, and so many things in your life in general. Keyword self-reflection. Do your thoughts on the new work project make sense? What feelings do certain situations trigger in you? Do you like meeting up with friend XY? Or would you rather have me time? What consequences did your last decision have for you and those around you? What can you optimize next time?

If you pay attention to these five signs, you will quickly notice that you are not spinning in place, but are often unconsciously making progress and developing yourself further. Every little step counts – you just have to be aware of it.

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