Psychology: 5 subtle signs you’re getting in your own way

“Sometimes we feel like the world keeps turning, but we ourselves are standing still”

© mantinov / Adobe Stock

Whether you are turning in place or making progress in life can be subtle or obvious. If you feel disconnected from the world, lose social contacts and no longer have fun in your everyday life, it clearly suggests that you are stagnating at some point in your life. The feeling of spinning in place can also manifest itself in more subtle signs. Here come five of them.

5 signs that you are turning in place in life

1. You keep doing the same thing – especially the same mistakes.

Routines and recurring patterns provide structure and security, so they are not a bad thing. However, when it becomes problematic: When you constantly deal with the same problems and topics without making any progress. Instead of learning from your mistakes, you make them again.

What you can do: Look at your situation, problem or error from different perspectives. Analyze what you could have done differently. It’s best to write it down to remember it next time. Exchange ideas with those around you and accept their help.

2. You haven’t learned anything new.

When was the last time you learned something new? If you don’t remember, that’s an indication that you might be spinning in place right now in life. It’s also not good for our brain – it stays healthier when it is often challenged and can learn new things.

What you can do: Think about what new hobby you might enjoy, learn a new language or have stimulating conversations with friends. In all of these activities, you learn something and have exciting experiences that keep your brain fit and help you move forward in life.

3. You don’t continue to pursue your dreams.

Sometimes we have dreams that seem so far away and we find it difficult to stick with them after taking the first few steps. The right moment hasn’t come yet? Well, who knows if it will ever come…

What you can do: Better start now to remember why you have this dream and why it’s worth fighting for. Change your fear of failure into positive thoughts: You learn from mistakes. Take small steps instead of aiming for the big picture. And celebrate yourself when you reach these intermediate steps!

4. You are tired and listless.

If you are constantly lacking energy, have no strength or desire, are tired and your everyday life just doesn’t feel fulfilling, this can indicate that you are currently moving in place. Especially if you feel like you’re not accomplishing much at the moment. Often at the same time, part of your self-esteem diminishes and you become more unhappy.

What you can do: Try to integrate more adventure and zest for life into your everyday life. Think about what you used to enjoy doing – it could be painting, playing an instrument, going for a walk or having a weekly phone call with a friend. Consciously take time out, read a book, take a warm bath or meditate. Your body and mind can regenerate and recharge your batteries.

5. You stay in your comfort zone all the time – and are afraid of change.

We often feel most comfortable and safe in our comfort zone. It’s okay not to leave your comfort zone if you can still develop within it. However, if you tend to stay stuck in it because you are afraid of change, there is hardly any excitement in your everyday routine and you are not making any progress, the comfort zone could be an indicator of living in place.

What you can do: Be aware that changes can also be positive and will help you move forward. You don’t have to be afraid of them – even if something goes wrong, you will learn from the mistakes and be one step further. Take advantage of opportunities and if they don’t exist at first glance, look for them or create them yourself.

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