Psychology: 6 Signs You’re a Seasonal Hermit

I’m off!
6 signs you’re a seasonal hermit

© olezzo / Adobe Stock

I had planned to go to yoga with a friend and then have something to eat afterwards. It was my favorite yoga class that we signed up for, it was about embodiment – and therefore all about listening to your body. Except that day my body was a grumbling old lady that just wanted to get on the couch. When my friend wrote at lunchtime that she had no motivation, I only felt one thing: relief. I skipped both yoga classes and my girlfriend, even though I love both.

But it’s autumn. And every year as I transition from summer to winter, I feel this strong longing to retreat to my den and get ready for hibernation. Over time, I’ve learned that (for me personally!) this doesn’t mean I’m headed for winter depression, nor does it mean I have to worry about being weird in any way. I’ve gotten to know myself better and know: I’m simply more introverted than others. And that the extent of my introversion definitely depends on the seasons.

This knowledge makes me relieved. I become more relaxed when I withdraw socially, I trust that my friends are still there and I give in more to my longing for the shell. And the more openly I talk about it, the more it becomes apparent: I am not at all alone in this. There are quite a few seasonal introverts among us. So we no longer fight against it, but toast with our teacups and blankets – only symbolically, of course.

Do you feel caught? Welcome to the Seasonal Hermits Club! Here are a few clues that you could secretly belong to us:

You are happy when meetings are canceled

At the beginning of winter, the calendar is often still in late summer – and is filled accordingly. It’s nice when a meeting is canceled, right?!

Hello darkness my old friend

I still get weird looks, but I own it now: every time it gets dark early for the first time, I walk home through the streets, the windows are brightly lit and a cold breeze blows around my nose, I feel whole inside warm. I like the darkness myself (…at least the first three of the endless six months) because it invites you to make yourself comfortable.


my home is my castle

In autumn do you feel like redecorating your home – or just getting the most coziness out of your living room in the form of candles and lamps? No wonder, as you will now spend a lot of time in it as a seasonal hermit!

Goodbye friends

The time for a spontaneous after-work beer is definitely over. That doesn’t mean we won’t see each other again – at the latest with a warming mulled wine in December. Otherwise, a new passion for self-care suddenly flares up in the fall. This could mean exercise, sauna, or whatever you do just for yourself.

Hello sweatpants

And if you have fewer social obligations anyway, your wardrobe changes noticeably. First act, when the door closes: Jeans off, sweatpants on. Cuddly socks can be booked for extra comfort.

Your new friends are waiting for you on the sofa

Don’t worry, you don’t have to socialize, your new friends prefer to remain silent: they are ready in the form of books and series that have been stacked up and patiently waiting for you all summer long.


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