Psychology: 6 things we no longer apologize for

6 things we no longer apologize for

Apologies should never come from the wrong people.

Even children learn that it is important to apologize when they have not behaved properly. Again and again, however, we take the blame for things that we are actually not responsible for.

Saying things like “I’m sorry,” “Excuse me,” or “That was wrong of me” is hard for all of us at times. Sometimes apologies are just important to put relationships or friendships back on the right track. In some cases, however, an apology is the wrong sign, instead we should stand by the things or events and not regret them.

Psychology: That’s why we apologize for the wrong things

Of course, if we have made a mistake ourselves and harmed others as a result, an apology is out of the question. However, when it comes to improper actions or bad character traits in others, we should never make ourselves the scapegoat. In the video we tell you six things you shouldn’t apologize for.

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