Psychology: 7 habits of self-determined people

7 characteristics of self-determined people – and how you can become one

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In life, we often become somewhat dependent, for example on employers or family members. Do you want to become more self-determined? Go your own way? Then it can be helpful to orientate yourself on the following behaviors that are typical of self-determined people.

7 habits of self-determined people

They think outside the box

Instead of just having one approach in mind and exclusively pursuing that approach, self-determined people look at things many perspectives and try to find several solutions, even if they are initially more unusual and therefore do not seem immediately feasible. There are no limits to their creativity – they always think outside the box.

They are resilient

If you go your own way, the likelihood that everything will go perfectly smoothly is not very high. It is more likely that you will also experience difficulties and failures. But self-determined people let it go don’t get downthey are resilient, work hard, stick to their goals and learn from regressionswhat they can improve next time.

You can adapt well

This is not about self-determined people constantly changing themselves, but about them changing themselves adapt well to new circumstances can. If your plan doesn’t work, the resources change from one day to the next, they stay flexible and accept the new situation as it comes. A new chance and no reason to despair.

They leave their comfort zone

Easier said than done: Self-determined people always leave their comfort zone to do this To get the most out of it and discover new things. They take risks, true to the motto: If you don’t dare, you won’t win. This takes a fair amount of courage!

You reflect on yourself

Was this decision wise? What could I have done differently, better? Anyone who actively observes and reflects on themselves and their own behavior can learn a lot from it. Not only will new perspectives and ideas developed, but it also becomes recognized what really matters to you personally – an important insight when it comes to self-determination.

You are patient

No one can be independent and go their own way in one day. This requires patience – a quality that is particularly present in self-determined people. Even if you have a big goal in mind, notice small progress and successes. This helps to stay motivated and persevere.

You believe in yourself

Last but not least: Of course, self-determined people believe in themselves, otherwise they wouldn’t actively run and go their own way, but instead hide behind others and remain dependent on them. Inside they are convincedthat they can fulfill their wishes and dreams, even if it is hard work. Others’ opinions and doubts are taken into account, but are not a reason for them not to continue pursuing their plans – that greater confidence lies within themselves and their abilities, which they are constantly aware of.

If you want to live independently and responsibly, it can help to internalize these seven characteristics of self-determined people and gradually integrate them into your everyday life and way of thinking.


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