Psychology: 7 phrases you should never say to someone heartbroken

7 phrases you should never say to someone heartbroken

Psychology: Your girlfriend got her heart broken? Then you should be careful what you say to her now.

When a friend suffers from lovesickness, it is often not so easy to find the right words – but you should definitely avoid seven sentences.

Especially in difficult times, we want to support our loved ones with advice, action and, above all, a lot of comfort. But when we see someone suffering, we often find it difficult to find the right words.

Psychology: Easing Heartbreak—And Avoiding Those Faux pas

Because even if you only want the best for your friend, the wrong thing quickly slips out of you in such a situation – and unintentionally only worsens the suffering. Above all, seven sentences sprinkle more salt in the wound with heartache problems. You can find out what these are in the video.

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