Psychology: How you subconsciously notice that someone is thinking about you

Seventh sense?
You can tell from these 7 signals that someone is thinking about you

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Our grandparents taught us that when we have the hiccups, someone is thinking about us. But what’s behind it? And are there any more signs?

We all sometimes wonder whether our partner is also thinking about us, our mom or the man we recently met in the bar. And if we believe our grandparents, certain body signals like Hiccups or sudden shaking actually indicate that someone is thinking about us – but who was never revealed, at least to me.

What’s behind it? Parapsychology

Of course, this phenomenon has not been ignored by research. The fact that we feel when someone is thinking about us is called telepathy – and is therefore part of parapsychology. This includes, among other things, true dreams or spooky and ghostly apparitions. However, there is no official evidence for such extrasensory perceptions, so parapsychology is fundamentally very controversial. Still, it’s nice to know when someone is thinking of us. So let’s believe in it and pay attention to the following seven signals that our body gives us:

1. You happen to have the hiccups

As our grandmas and grandpas already knew: hiccups are actually a sign that you are currently in someone else’s mind. Pay particular attention to the situation: after eating or drinking too quickly, it can simply be a physical symptom because, among other things, the phrenic nerves have been irritated. Random hiccups, on the other hand, can mean a kind of thought transfer.

2. Sudden shaking and goosebumps

Here, too, there are of course several possible origins: You can be cold, you are afraid or you are imagining a wonderful situation from the past or in the future. If none of the reasons apply, someone may be thinking about you – goosebumps are probably one of your body’s most beautiful signals. So there are definitely positive thoughts that someone else has about you!

3. Again and again in the dream

If a person constantly appears in your dreams, he:she has an important meaning in your life, according to the psychologist Sigmund Freud. This can be meant negatively or positively – in any case, this person is very important to you. But if you don’t feel like you think about the person much or that he/she is present in your everyday life because of an argument or something else, then according to parapsychology it can also mean that someone is thinking about you and your subconscious is telling you that tried to convey.

4. You sneeze several times for no reason

If you don’t have a cold or allergy and have to sneeze several times, this can also be a sign that you are being thought of. In Asian culture, it is believed that if you sneeze twice, the thoughts are negative, and if you sneeze three times, the thoughts are positive. And it should even be possible to at least get an idea of ​​who this could be coming from: you ask a person who is currently with you for a three-digit number. Then you add the numbers together and count the ABC, so to speak. The calculated number tells you the first letter of the name.

5. Eye twitching left or right

Be careful: unfortunately only one of the two options is good for you. There is a belief that if your left eye twitches, someone is thinking of you in a positive way – while a twitch in your right eye shows the opposite.

6. A butterfly comes to you

It was once believed among Native American tribes that butterflies would carry their commandments. To this day, the small winged animals still have a reputation for representing beauty, change and joy. And: As was already assumed at the time, they should be able to convey messages. When a butterfly lands on you it is meant to tell you that someone is thinking of you.

7. You feel or hear a person

If two people are deeply connected, they should be able to feel and sometimes even hear each other, even if they are physically separated. It’s like someone is calling our name, but that’s not what’s happening. Or we feel a touch on our arm even though we are alone. Signals from our body and our psyche that want to convey to us that someone is thinking about us – and perhaps also that we are not alone.

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