Psychology: Loneliness is so harmful to the body and health

Loneliness affects the body and health so much

Psychology: Great loneliness can make us measurably ill.

Loneliness can make you very unhappy – and then has a frighteningly large impact on our body, as new studies now show.

Sure, nobody should become completely dependent on other people, because in a bad relationship or toxic friendship, breaking off contact is clearly the better choice. But what if, due to unfavorable circumstances, we are virtually isolated from any human contact that goes beyond brief everyday greetings for weeks or even months?

Psychology: Loneliness can be as dangerous to the body as chain smoking

An evaluation of several studies has shown that this long-term isolation not only makes us unhappy, but also demonstrably affects our health – even the comparison with smoking 15 cigarettes a day is therefore not unrealistic. In the video you can see what surprising physical consequences prolonged loneliness can have for us.

Sources used: Psychological Science, Psychology Today


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