Psychology: Overthinking? 3 reasons why you overthink everything

Overthinking? 3 reasons why you overthink everything

In the video you will see three reasons why you tend to overthink everything.

Do you know the feeling of constantly being trapped in your head, overthinking and analyzing everything down to the smallest detail? You are not alone with this phenomenon. The video shows you three reasons why this tendency might have its origins.

The tendency to overthink is something many of us are familiar with: it can keep us busy for hours, days, or even weeks analyzing every detail of a situation and weighing every potential outcome. While this can sometimes be helpful, it often leads to us being trapped in a never-ending spiral of doubt and self-criticism. It’s important to understand that this is often not our fault, but stems from formative experiences from our childhood.

Psychology: 3 reasons why we overanalyze

There are various reasons why we tend to overthink everything, which are deeply rooted in our personality and often go back to experiences and influences from childhood. In the video you will find out which reasons might be responsible for your constant overthinking.

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