Psychology: These 4 simple rules will make your life happier

These 4 simple rules will make you happier

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Do you feel like you’re constantly making the wrong decisions? Is your life not developing the way you want it to? These simple rules can help you to be more satisfied.

What do we really need for a good life? Lots of money, success and constant sunshine? Actually, it is much simpler, because we have the majority of the things that make us happy in our own hands. Once our basic needs are met, i.e. a roof over our heads, enough to eat and a safe environment, our Satisfaction depends more on ourselves than we often think. And not on how hard we fight for supposed success. Instead, simple rules that we follow in our lives and our values ​​can make a big difference.

4 simple life rules that will make you happier

1. Hesitating means no

Do you often find yourself faced with decisions where you hesitate to say yes? Where you simply don’t know what to do? For example, a job where you are unsure whether to accept it. There is a simple rule that will help you with almost all decisions: If you struggle to say yes, it is usually because you actually mean no. Because if you really want something, you know it deep down inside.

You will make your life much easier if you follow this principle when making decisions: If it is not a clear yes, it is a no. And at the same time, you will also learn to listen better to your inner voice.

2. Free yourself from the expectations of others

From a young age, we are usually told how we should be, what we should do and what we should definitely not do. What a “successful life” should look like. Newsflash: You don’t have to fulfill these expectations of your family, your environment and society. You are free to shape your life exactly the way you want.

You want to climb the career ladder, have 1.5 children and buy a house? Perfect, then do just that. But it’s just as okay if you want something else. As soon as you manage to separate your personal wishes and goals from the expectations of others, you will be much happier.

3. Be grateful

Our society is designed for growth. We are all supposed to always want more and never be satisfied with what we have. But that is often the root of all unhappiness. Instead of always thinking about what we don’t have and what we absolutely need to finally be happy, we should regularly remind ourselves of everything we already have.

What are you grateful for? Your beautiful apartment, your pet, your children, something to eat, your TV? Whatever it is, reminding yourself of it over and over again will make you happier in the long run. positive effects of gratitude on our satisfaction and our health have now been scientifically proven.

4. Celebrate the small successes

Another important rule that will make you happier in the long term: Don’t just celebrate big successes in life – a new job, traveling the world, buying a condo – but also the small ones! Have you overcome your fears and finally dared to talk to your crush? Congratulations, be proud of yourself and treat yourself to a nice coffee or dance around the apartment. Have you finally managed to get up earlier for a week? Celebrate this achievement! The more you celebrate your small successes, the happier you will be in the long term.


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