Psychology: These 5 habits cultivate intelligent women

These 5 habits cultivate intelligent women

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Some women seem to be able to do anything. Most of the time, things don’t fall into their laps as much as we think. Rather, they owe it to a series of smart habits and decisions how smart they go through life.

Some parts of how smart we are are born. But we can certainly influence how our intelligence develops. This starts with schooling, of course, but even as adults, certain habits can make us smarter while others can make us practically dumber.

5 typical habits of intelligent women

1. You are looking for a challenge

Intelligent women know that they can only grow through challenges. In order for them to develop further, they have to step out of their comfort zone from time to time. That is why they have made it a habit to actively seek out new experiences that may even frighten them at first. But smart women have learned that it is precisely these experiences that benefit them the most.

2. You remain flexible

Smart women know what they want. But you also know that things don’t always go according to plan in life. Therefore, they remain flexible in all situations and can also deal with unforeseen events. Depending on your personality, this is not easy for everyone – but you can practice it. Because we can only make smart decisions if we can react to unexpected situations.

3. You watch a lot

Speech is silver, silence is golden. Intelligent women have internalized this. Of course, they stand up for themselves and their needs and give their opinion when it is necessary. But they know that sometimes they can get much further by observing situations and people closely and learning what the wisest course of action is.

4. You like to read

Smart women know they can never know everything. And she’s totally fine with that, too. Instead, they prefer to focus on absorbing as much knowledge as they can. Because they also know that reading educates. It doesn’t just have to be award-winning and hard-to-digest literary works. We can also take something with us from romance novels, comics or fantasy books and thus broaden our horizons. Intelligent women know that and are always looking for input – no matter where. By the way: Of course, audio books also count!

5. You spend time alone

People are social beings – we need other people. This is of course also clear to smart women. But they’ve also learned that spending time alone helps them. Depending on the personality type, these can be longer or shorter periods of time. But even the most extroverted person needs a moment to recharge their batteries and reflect.

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