Psychology: This is how you can tell a person’s intelligence without them speaking

This is how you know a person’s intelligence – without them saying a word

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Smart answers, smart ideas – all of these can tell us how clever a person is. But these subtle signs tell you a lot about a person’s intelligence without them even saying a word.

How smart a person is can be seen in a wide variety of behaviors, statements and reactions. We often do Intelligence comes from verbal things, i.e. from something that someone says. Be it a clever answer, a smart question or a really good idea that a person expresses. And all of these can be important indicators of how smart a person is.

If you look a little closer, you can also see a person’s intelligence when they are completely silent – and even then. These four subtle, nonverbal clues mean you’re dealing with a pretty smart person.

These 4 signs reveal that a person is intelligent without saying anything

1. She stays calm

In difficult situations, many people tend to make themselves heard through loudness and thus assert what is important to them at all costs. But truly intelligent people know that this often doesn’t help at all and that they waste valuable energy. Not to mention the fact that they usually make life unnecessarily difficult for the other person. Anyone who remains calm, calm and, above all, friendly even in stressful situations shows true greatness – and usually also intelligence.

2. She listens carefully

There are also indications of the intelligence of the other person in conversation – even if they don’t say anything. But if it listens to us carefully and gives us the non-verbal feeling of understanding us and being interested in what we say, this is a signal of this person’s strong emotional and social intelligence. On the other hand, people who clearly show that they are completely uninterested in what someone is telling them are generally less intelligent – and also rude.

3. She only speaks when she has something to say

In general, if a person doesn’t say anything, it can be a sign of intelligence. Smart people rarely have the urge to talk just for the sake of talking. This tendency is more evident among less smart people who may want to use it to hide their insecurities. A smart person, on the other hand, only says something if they really have something useful to contribute to the conversation.

4. She is curious and inquisitive

Intelligent people know that we can never know everything. There is always something new to learn, and we can accumulate knowledge throughout our lives. And that’s exactly what smart people want. Reading, learning and dealing intensively with things is her favorite activity. They don’t have to say anything – such curiosity can be observed very subtly, for example if the person in question is constantly reading something or otherwise finding out about the things that interest them.


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