Psychology: This is why crying people are mentally more stable

Go ahead and cry! Why crying people are more stable

© motortion / Adobe Stock

Is crying a sign of weakness? On the contrary! Allowing emotions is an important outlet for our psyche.

Many people find crying uncomfortable, especially in the company of others. Still others cannot cry even in highly emotional moments – although they would like to. What many may not know: It can help us in stressful situations to let out pent-up feelings or fears.

An important outlet: That’s why crying has a liberating effect

When we want to express our emotions, we cry or laugh. Both reactions cannot be learned, they are innate. It is a natural, physiological reflex of our body that arises as soon as situations become emotionally charged. In the course of this, we usually shed a few tears, sob or make whimpering noises.

Admittedly, this is by no means the most beautiful activity, but for the most part we always feel very relieved afterwards and there is a reason for that. It helps us process our sensations. Tears reduce stress hormones while pulse and breathing normalize. In addition, endorphins and oxytocin are released during crying – (happiness) hormones that otherwise lift our spirits.

In addition, they can convey to our counterpart the state in which we are and also give him/her the opportunity to react to it. According to science, it can even strengthen social bonds. Crying is therefore an all-encompassing good sign, which signals that we have good access to our feelings and can also show this to the outside world.

Why can’t some people cry?

But among the people who “are built close to the water”, there are always those who find it difficult to cry or who simply cannot. If someone is not able, this valve is usually missing – which makes it easy for negative feelings to nest in the world of thoughts and to linger there.

Feelings are pent up, which can also promote high blood pressure. In the worst case, this can lead to blockages which – if we don’t take care of ourselves – lead to depression or other mental illnesses. If you are suffering from such a problem, you should see a doctor to help you work on it.

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