Psychology: This simple gesture helps when you feel paralyzed by fear

This simple gesture will calm you down when you feel anxious

In the video you can see which trick can quickly help you if your fear has you under control.

Fear is an emotion that each of us experiences in life. When it overwhelms us, it can be difficult to calm down. But a simple gesture can be the key to calming us down.

Fear can hold us captive in its claws and make us feel as if we will never be able to escape. This is justified in many situations, but it can also quickly turn into a state of total helplessness that we feel overwhelmed by. But you can often escape this unpleasant state with a little trick that will quickly help you see things more clearly in many ways.

Psychology: This will help you shake off fear quickly

If you feel like you are completely at the mercy of your fear, just try this little trick to take control again and gain some distance from your situation. In the video you will learn how you can do this.

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