Psychology: This trick will instantly make you happier

Simple trick
This is how you go through life happier

© Kichigin / Shutterstock

Do you think life should be more of a dance than a fight? We think so too – and that’s why we love this simple luck trick.

Maybe sad at first glance, but true: Life is not a sustained climax! It runs more like a kind of sine curve – with a constant alternation of happy and unhappy times.

There’s little we can do about it, but that’s not a bad thing. Because as stupid and trite as it sounds: The low points of our sine curve make us stronger. And they make us appreciate the highlights more! As humans, we get used to everything that doesn’t change, so that at some point we take it for granted and no longer notice it. And that would be a shame for all the beautiful moments of happiness, right?!

The only problem is: When we are unhappy and things are going badly, we usually don’t get much done and everything is difficult for us. And that’s a shame again! After all, we only have this one life (which has to go on even in unhappy phases) and we probably don’t want to “suffer” through it… That’s why we love all the tricks with which we can maintain at least a minimum of satisfaction even in low points can lift our mood. And the following one is really super simple – and works as well as always.

Adopt a happy attitude!

Basically, all we need to do to boost our mood is to know how to trick our brain. Don’t worry, it’s completely harmless! You’re probably familiar with the famous good luck charm effect of smiling: We smile and then we feel a little better, even if our smile was initially forced.

Exactly the same thing works with posture. If we adopt an upright, happy posture (e.g. shoulders relaxed down-back, head up, neck long), this signals to our brain: “Yay! Life is good, I’m doing well and I’m bursting with self-confidence!” You can’t help but switch into “we can do it” mode. The result: We feel a natural mood boostwhich works better than any drug (especially because it doesn’t cloud our consciousness at the same time…).

To ensure that the trick works particularly well, you can pay attention at the next opportunity (or experiment in front of the mirror) to see exactly what your personal happy attitude actually looks and feels like. How do you react physically when you are happy? For example, how does it affect your gait if you’ve just received good news? Paying attention to something like this or trying out and practicing your own happiness reactions is definitely worth it! Although it won’t save you from the next phase of unhappiness in your life – but it can help you a lot to overcome it (upright and looking forward).


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