Psychology: Warning signs that you are a difficult person

7 signs you’re a difficult person

© Guillem de Balanzó / Adobe Stock

Most people consider themselves to be quite sociable. But, is this really the truth? These seven characteristics indicate that someone is a rather difficult person.

There are many different personality types – and of course there are some with whom we get along better than others. Some people just like us straight away – whether it’s the way they talk, their views or their charisma. In turn, we intuitively get along less well with others.

But there are character traits that ensure that these people get along well with very few people. There are seven signs in particular that indicate that someone has a difficult personality. These are based on the so-called “Difficult Person Test”, in German “test for difficult personalities”, which was developed by the US psychologist Chelsea Sleep.

Do you recognize yourself in these characteristics? Then you are probably one of the more difficult people.

These 7 warning signs mean you are a difficult person

1. You are insensitive

Anyone who is primarily interested in themselves and their own feelings and needs will probably be perceived as difficult by others. For example, if you say everything that comes to your mind without taking the other person into account, it could well happen that you hurt the person with this insensitivity.

2. You feel superior to others

Do you have the feeling that you are better than those around you in many respects and actually as a person in general? Unfortunately, that doesn’t make you particularly unmissable (and it’s probably wrong, since most of us are more average than we’d like to admit). This feeling of superiority quickly causes other people to avoid you – it can even indicate narcissistic traits.

3. You are aggressive

Anyone who constantly gets into conflicts and immediately becomes aggressive towards others when things don’t go their way definitely falls into the difficult personality category. Short-tempered behavior is well received by very few people.

4. You always think the worst of others

A certain amount of skepticism is part of common sense. But if you are constantly suspicious and trust nothing or anyone, you are making life unnecessarily difficult for yourself and others. After all, who wants to deal with people who always think the worst of you?

5. You are manipulative

Unconsciously or consciously – from time to time we all manipulate those around us to our advantage. But if you intentionally plan virtually every interaction you have out of sheer calculation, then that makes you anything but agreeable. Because real human closeness cannot arise like that.

6. You are very dominant

Some people can’t imagine any other path than theirs. They always want to set the tone and quickly become unpleasant if someone doesn’t dance to their liking. Basically, of course, you need people who sometimes take control, just like people who tend to submit, for groups and dynamics to work. But anyone who constantly wants to impose their will on others will quickly find themselves difficult.

7. You are impulsive

Every decision we make also impacts other people. For example, if you spontaneously book a big trip for yourself on a whim, even though you actually wanted to go on vacation with your partner later in the year, this ill-advised action doesn’t just affect you. That’s why impulsivity is a character trait that can be rather difficult.

Of course, if you discover some of these traits in yourself, that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person per se. But it never hurts to reflect on ourselves a little and see what behaviors and habits we can work on. Because ultimately we all want to get along well with each other.

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