Psychology: Why we feel more connected to some people than to others

Things that make us feel more connected to other people

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As humans, we want to make connections, build and maintain relationships. In the course of our lives we have already experienced some things that bind us together. According to science, the following 7 behaviors bring us closer together.

Tactic number one is familiar to most people: laughing together. Whether it’s just a quick joke or a fit of laughter that makes us double over, someone grunts and others burst into tears: It’s clear that we remember such moments positively. Even with strangers, laughter leads to a stronger sense of connection, like researchers found. But other things can also help. Any examples?

7 things that make us feel more connected

1. Enjoying the successes of others

“I surpassed my personal running goal today!” Your friend says, beaming with joy. are you happy with me Anyone who does this in small but also big moments and gives the appropriate feedback creates trust – and puts the other person in a good mood. A radiant “Congratulations” or “I’m so happy for you” can make a difference if it’s sincere. researchers call this phenomenon “capitalization”. Because in these moments the positive is WRITTEN IN CAPITAL.

2. Share similar views

“Yes, exactly”, “I see it the same way” – what do these sentences trigger instinctively? validation that feels good; because it is pleasant to be understood. It can be an opinion, a belief, a feeling, a thought, a value… the list goes on. Differences are also part of life, but similarities, like this one, give us a sense of closeness study shows.

3. Experiencing things together

Loud Research some situations make us feel more connected when we experience them together. For example, singing together or dancing in a group – or even just walking in step. Shared experiences also feel good for us: for example, experiencing a concert together and sharing positive emotions or enjoying a beautiful view together.

4. Support each other

It can be moving house that friends step in to help, or advice you’re looking for because you’re at a loss yourself. Both acting and receiving support have a positive effect on our relationships and ourselves, the shows Science. Helping others makes you happier, and research has shown that people who help others live longer.

5. Show gratitude

Appreciation. That’s the word that matters most here. researchers have proven time and time again that gratitude can strengthen social connections. The more specific the way of showing gratitude, the more effective it should be. So: “I’m so grateful that you helped me with my move, I could never have done it on my own” instead of: “Thank you for helping me”.

6. Show affection

Whether it’s an “I love you,” a hug, or a friendly nudge on the arm, there are many ways to show affection. However, it doesn’t work the same for every person and there should be some familiarity, especially if you want to get physical. Showing and receiving affection can get people noisy Research help you feel more connected. Which way is individual.

7. Speak up

Anyone who sits down with a friend and talks about their own problems and those of the other person feels a stronger connection. Understanding, acceptance and concern for each other bring us closer together and create emotional intimacy. Why? Because we get the feeling that we wouldn’t trust just anyone with such information and the relationship is therefore special. Showing vulnerability to loved ones is also empowering out loud studies the mutual trust.

Sources used:,, Psychology Today


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