Psychology: you are enough! 4 strategy for conquering self-doubt

You are enough! 4 strategies for overcoming self-doubt

© Tatiana Maksimova / Shutterstock

Every one of us is plagued by thoughts in which we tell ourselves that we are not good enough. Here are strategies for emerging from such a situation as a winner: in.

At secondary school I had a teacher who always protested violently when we sighed before a task and mumbled desperately: “I can’t do it.” If we wanted to say something like that about ourselves, then it should at least mean that we “STILL couldn’t”. She was right, because it is well known that no master has fallen from heaven.

Nonetheless, we all know this spiral of doubts about ourselves, which sometimes attacks us suddenly: I can’t do it, I’m not good enough, what do the others say? Breaking these chains of thought is not easy, but there are ways that can help us.

Psychology: These 4 strategies can help you with self-doubt

Recognize your own feelings

“Toxic Positivity” is an expression for rejecting one’s own negative emotions and reacting to difficult situations with false assurances. A classic would be: “Good vibes only!” The fact that everything does not go smoothly and rosily in life is a reality that we have to face. If we take the time to recognize our feelings, they can show us the way out of the spiral. A mind game: We deliver a piece of work, are completely dissatisfied and crouch on the sofa with the feeling that we haven’t got anything done. Instead of blocking out these emotions, it would be better to accept them and question them at the same time. Why am I dissatisfied with my performance? Did I start working on the project too late? If so, I’ll take more time next time and do better! If not, what is the reason? When we get along better, we are nicer to each other.

Dealing with feedback

We must not forget that constructive criticism is something valuable. It helps us to recognize our weaknesses and to turn them into strengths. It’s not just about work-related issues, but also about things that affect our personality. Being in the wrong can create feelings of shame – but it doesn’t have to be. If we look at the situation from a different angle, we will see that it leaves a lot of room for us to grow.


There are numerous studies on the subject of meditation and its effect on people’s feelings of happiness. And they agree on one point: Mindfulness helps to build emotional satisfaction and to keep a cool head in stressful situations. To find out which exercises are most effective here, the scientist Matt Hirschberg and his team from the “Center for Healthy Minds” carried out an experiment with almost 156 students. You should practice mindfulness exercises before putting your hands in a cold bath for three minutes. Two effective exercises emerged from this experiment: On the one hand, a breathing exercise in which one concentrates exclusively on breathing and the resulting body feeling. On the other hand, the “Metta Meditation”, a so-called meditation of “loving kindness” from Buddhism, was also promising. Phrases like “May I be happy” are repeated here. Meanwhile, you think of yourself, then someone who has hurt you, and then someone with whom you have a neutral relationship. This is to promote a state of mind of kindness, love, and compassion.

Let’s talk about it

And if it’s just the diary in the beginning – that’s fine. But if we want to hear a different opinion than just ours, it helps to confide in a friend. You will quickly notice that nobody is “an exception” with such feelings, but that we are all in the same boat. Sometimes, and especially in these times, an open ear or a firm hug is enough to stimulate the happiness hormones. If all of this doesn’t work, it can be very frustrating and also make you feel uncomfortable. In that case, it is time to seek professional help to learn sustainable coping strategies.


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