Psychology: You can recognize emotional exhaustion by these signs

Broken and exhausted?
12 warning signs that you are emotionally exhausted

© Rafa Elias/Getty Images

“You know, it’s not that I feel that physically weak, but rather that I feel completely exhausted. So burnt out. And that even though I don’t actually have that much to do other than working from home.”

Sentences that I’ve heard a lot at the moment, from friends, colleagues, people at the supermarket checkout and while listening to strangers’ phone calls on the subway. And I know it too, this strange mix of tiredness and inner emptiness. When you sit at the kitchen table in the evening and stare at the dishes for half an hour because you just feel too exhausted to do it now. The last few years have had a lot in store for us, but little to recharge and gain strength. On the contrary: the current political situation, the waves of illness and other emotional stresses are also currently taking their toll.

It’s high time for a break

We function in our everyday lives. Our lives have routines that repeat every day, to-do lists that want to be done, jobs that we want to do, and families and friendships that we want to take care of. It can easily happen that sometimes we simply don’t notice how exhausted we actually are and should urgently press the pause button. This makes it all the more important to keep an eye on the signs.

Emotional exhaustion, what is it?

It’s completely normal to feel tired after a strenuous day. But what if you are constantly tired and exhausted? Then at the latest you should check your emotional resources, because emotional exhaustion is a characteristic of burnout.

12 typical signs of emotional exhaustion

Don’t panic, but be careful

These symptoms are of course quite non-specific. If you have a bad day and treat yourself to a glass of wine with chips and chocolate in the evening, that doesn’t mean you’re at risk of burnout. Nevertheless, these symptoms also indicate more serious mental illnesses, which we definitely want to prevent. If you often don’t feel well, it’s high time to pull the plug. Take care of yourself and, if necessary, seek help from friends, family or professionals.

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