DECRYPTION – The Ministry of the Economy seeks to prepare minds in a dangerous context of rising rates.
Last week, during the presentation of his wishes for his sixth year at the head of the Ministry of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire again alerted to the need to straighten the public accounts. “We are dancing above a volcano. We must restore our public finances, otherwise reality will suddenly remind us,” hammered again the tenant of Bercy, this Thursday. After the report of the commission on the future of public finances chaired in 2021 by Jean Arthuis – and which has since remained on the shelves – or even the recent parliamentary mission on savings, which resulted in nothing, the minister is now promising a new method.
A “expenditure review” of the state, but also of local authorities and the “social sphere”, will begin soon. Each administration will have to play the game and present savings measures within a few weeks. Then, in February, “public finance meetings” will be launched to raise political awareness on…
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