Public Health France confirms a new epidemic wave

Yannick Vely


In its weekly report, Public Health France confirms the increase in the number of positive cases for Covid-19 and new hospitalizations.

The lights are orange, alas. The circulation of Covid-19 continued to increase throughout the metropolitan territory for the third consecutive week, explains Public Health France in its weekly report. An increase in the incidence rate is also observed at the national level (+ 29% ) and concerns all age groups. New hospitalizations and critical care admissions are also on the rise, particularly among those 80 and older. It is the new sub-lineage of the Omicron variant (BA.5) which is progressing strongly and represents 41% of new cases.

See as well : Covid-19: vaccines prevented nearly 20 million deaths in 2021

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The decrease in adherence to barrier gestures

Public Health France notes, within the framework of the CoviPrev survey, a decrease in adherence to barrier gestures, and in particular the wearing of a mask. Only 34% of survey respondents say they wear a mask in public. In the context of increased circulation of SARS-CoV-2 and less adoption of prevention measures, the application of barrier gestures nevertheless remains essential to limit the spread of the epidemic and protect the most vulnerable populations. . Monitoring the other recommended measures also remains essential in the event of symptoms, a positive test or contact at risk, adds SpF.

As of June 20, 2022, the estimate of vaccination coverage in the general population from the Covid vaccine was 79.8% for a complete primary vaccination and 59.7% for the booster dose. Only about a third of those aged 60 and over eligible for the second booster dose had received it. The vaccination effort must therefore be stepped up in order to improve vaccination coverage more quickly, in particular that of booster doses in eligible persons.

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