Pulse compact #26 – Five ways to drink less alcohol – Knowledge


If you want to reduce your alcohol consumption, you can do this with a few changed habits.

One alcoholic drink a day is considered safe for women. For men it can be double the amount. do you drink more Or have you already wondered if you’re drinking too much?

Tip 1: Keep a drinking diary

Keep a drinking diary and write down how much you drink for three to four weeks. It’s very easy with a corresponding smartphone app. Just keeping a diary helps to drink less.

Tip 2: Question your drinking habits

Why and on what occasions do you drink alcohol? And what could you do instead. Find other rewards in everyday life.

Tip 3: Set a drinking limit and stick to your plan.

For example, avoid alcohol from Monday to Thursday. Or make it a point to have no more than two alcoholic beverages when meeting friends. A “dry” month per year is also popular.

Tip 4: Drink consciously

Don’t pour more into a half-empty glass – this way you can keep track of how much you’re drinking. A popular trick: Drink a glass of water after every alcoholic drink. Use the same glass for this. This way you don’t continue to consume alcohol at the same time.

Tip 5: Out of sight, out of mind

The trick is simple: If the fridge is empty and there is no alcohol at hand, then there is no temptation. Don’t want to do without a small stock? Then deposit the drinks in the basement out of sight.

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