Pulse compact #28 – Three tips for a healthy family – Knowledge


What to look for in order not to overwhelm yourself with family work?

The perfect family, like in a picture book – doesn’t exist. Therefore important:

Tip 1: Less perfectionism

Fabian Ludwig, psychiatrist at Lucerne Psychiatry: “When you are in such a stressful situation, you think it will never end. ‹This is my life now›. We call this the ‘rush hour of life’. Everything comes together and it is impossible to satisfy all needs. That means you have to make choices, i.e. set priorities. What is particularly important to me at this time? Aware that it is a limited time that will pass. After that, everything looks different again.”

Tip 2: Expand the nuclear family

Fabian Ludwig: «We are still very much influenced by the image of the nuclear family, or that mommy, daddy and children have to master everything together as a family. We strongly recommend blowing up this concept and getting help – from parents, friends, neighbors. And also to speak openly. So not trying to maintain the image of the perfect family, but to talk openly about difficulties so that you can also be offered help. »

Tip 3: involve children

Fabian Ludwig: «We often see that the children don’t talk enough about the psychological difficulties that their parents have. They usually ask themselves, ‘Is it me? Am I to blame if mommy or daddy isn’t feeling well?’ It’s a great relief when you explain to the children that this and that has nothing to do with them and you get help. That way you can separate things and the children have the opportunity to talk about it with their siblings, their parents etc. That helps them in their development.”

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