Punishing your child: how to do it, behaviors to avoid

A divisive subject. When it comes to parenting and punishment, it is difficult to find a consensus, as opinions differ. Indeed, while some parents are fans of sanctions, which are sometimes too heavy, others prefer set up a dialogue trying to empower the child. However, on the side of specialists, psychologists and educators the opinions are almost unanimous: punishment can be useful when it is used in certain cases. For example, it is often effective for penalize voluntary behavior that entails risks for the child or those around him. This is particularly the case for late outings, fights between siblings or even games with fire or dangerous objects.

On the other hand, if the purpose of the punishment is to drastically change a child’s behavior, then the latter will be ineffective. If your child has difficulty speaking, writing, dressing poorly, or making mistakes in homework or calculations, then punishment is the way to go. best way to pressure him and cause it to stagnate, or even regress. The reason ? Fear of failure and lack of self-confidence can wreak havoc on younger people.

Intelligent punishments to educate your child

Of course, when it comes to punishment, corporal punishment is prohibited. In addition to making the child believe that violence can be a solution, they leave bad memories, and sometimes traces. If you want to punish a child, it is rather advisable to act calmly, with dialogue and transparency. There is therefore no question of taking hasty and disproportionate decisions.

The child must understand that his actions can have consequences and that the sanctions applied are proportional to his actions. In this sense, experts recommend establishing a list of punishments depending on the seriousness of toddlers’ mischief. Deprivation of video games, television, Internet, dessert, outings, etc. Finally, it is also important to try to understand why the child crossed a boundary. This dialogue will then allow an awareness of the child and will lead the parents to put themselves in the place of the youngest.

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