pushed back and overrated, the time has come to reconsider it

This unprecedented product, representing a real technical and commercial challenge, seems to be postponed again. This situation does not bode well for this product, which perhaps raises too many expectations.

For years, rumors have been circulating about Apple’s mixed reality headset, which has been in development for a long time and whose presentation has been postponed several times. However, the presentation of this helmet would finally take place during WWDC 2023, scheduled for June 5, 2023, according to the journalist of Bloomberg Mark Gurman. This is not the opinion of another specialist, Ming-Chi Kuo, who announces a new postponement.

Because Apple isn’t very optimistic about the AR/MR headset announcement recreating the astounding “iPhone moment,” the mass production schedule for assembly has been pushed back by another 1-2 months to mid-to-late 3Q23. The delay also adds uncertainty to whether the new device…

— 郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo) March 30, 2023

The industry needs a breath of fresh air

The mixed reality, augmented and virtual reality industry needs a breath of fresh air, and Apple’s entry into the field could spark renewed interest. Indeed, Apple could redefine the concept of VR and AR thanks to its mastery of the value chain of its products and its dominant position. However, an immediate revolution should not be expected.

Apple does not seem ready to get started, =: the prices of headphones remain high and the applications are still few in number. Especially since it is unlikely that Apple will manage to change the game from the first generation of its headphones. Virtual and augmented reality has not yet reached the general public, outside the field of video games, moreover the failure of Meta does not reassure anyone.

An announced failure?

The Apple Reality Pro/Glass headset, as it would be named, could attempt to follow the same path. It is likely that Apple presents an atypical product for the brand. We are talking about a product that is not necessarily beautiful, with few flagship applications at the start and a steep price (around 2,000 to 3,000 euros, according to reports). All this raises doubts as to the effective presentation of the helmet and its commercial success.

In addition to being a considerable technical challenge, Apple’s first-ever mixed reality headset is causing a lot of tension within the Cupertino company. Internal disagreements have intensified in recent months, particularly regarding the marketing schedule for this novel product.

The general atmosphere surrounding the Apple Glass project would be very different from that of other projects usually developed: the enthusiasm and determination of the teams seem to have been seriously shaken, due, among other things, to deep and justified questions.

Some employees are reportedly expressing concerns about the final price of the device, which is said to retail for around $3,000. Even more worrying, the usefulness of such a product would be called into question by some employees, who are skeptical about the real added value of Apple Glass and the concrete contribution of mixed reality.

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