“Putin has missed all his strategic goals”

BIn a speech at the World Economic Forum, undescancer Olaf Scholz called for order for a multipolar world. There will be no such thing as a bipolar world dominated by the United States and China. Nobody should be afraid of a multipolar world, even if there is no role model for them, said Scholz. Closer cooperation is important.

In a rules-based world, a blatant violation of international law such as Russia’s war against Ukraine must be resolutely rejected. “We experienced a thunderclap on February 24, 2022,” said Scholz. Russia’s brutal war is “imperialism, trying to bomb us back to a time when war was a common tool. It is not only the statehood of Ukraine that is at stake, but a world order that binds might to law.” That is unacceptable.

“Our goal is clear: Putin must not win his war,” said Scholz. “And he won’t win it. He has already missed all of his strategic goals.” Putin not only underestimated Ukraine’s resilience, but also international cooperation in the G7 group, in NATO and in the European Union. “Together we have decided on sanctions that are as tough and wide-ranging as have never been imposed on a country of this size,” emphasized the Chancellor. The costs for Putin’s apparatus of power are already considerable.

“There will be no Russian dictated peace,” said Scholz. “Ukraine will not accept that and neither will we.” Germany supplies weapons, including heavy ones: “You can rely on Germany.” This terrible war must end as soon as possible. But nothing will be done that will turn NATO into a war party. It is also important to realize that for many countries on earth the war is geographically far away. In these countries, however, the consequences would be felt, such as higher energy and food prices.

Scholz resolutely opposed the idea that reducing globalization could move the world forward. Globalization has not only brought benefits to everyone, but it has made it possible to lift billions of people out of poverty: “In the future, sustainable, resilient globalization that takes climate change into account will be necessary.” The globalization of the past three decades is coming together End; But renationalization is not an option.

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