Putin signs decree on spring military conscription


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MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing the routine spring conscription campaign, calling 150,000 citizens into compulsory military service, according to a document published on the Kremlin website on Sunday.

All men in Russia are required to complete one year of military service, or equivalent training through higher education, starting at the age of 18.

In July, Russia’s lower house of parliament voted to raise the maximum conscription age to 30, up from 27. The new legislation came into force on January 1, 2024.

Compulsory military service has long been a sensitive issue in Russia, where many men go to great lengths to avoid being issued conscription papers during call-up periods, which occur twice a year.

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Conscripts cannot be legally deployed to fight outside Russia and have been exempt from a limited mobilization in 2022, which brought together at least 300,000 men with prior military training to fight in Ukraine – although some conscripts have been sent to the front by mistake.

In September, Vladimir Putin signed an order to mobilize 130,000 people for the fall campaign, and last spring Russia planned to call up 147,000.

(Written by Maxim Rodionov, French version Benjamin Mallet)


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